Title of the publication.
Alternative title
Translated or abbreviated form of the title.
Authors' names of the publication in priority order, as shown in the document. Remark: the name of each author must be in reverse order (e.g., Santos, J. M.).
Name(s) of the thesis advisor(s).
Issued date
Date of publication, presentation or distribution.
Conference date
Date when the conference took place (single date or start/end date).
Location of the conference
Place where the conference was held.
Date of discussion
Date of thesis public defense.
Submitted date
Date when the thesis/article was submitted for examination/revision.
Degree name
Name of the degree associated with the thesis, as shown in the document (e.g., Master in Physics Engineering).
Publication version
The status in the publication process of journal articles.
Please note that you should always check, via Sherpa Romeo database, the publisher's copyright and open access archiving policies to see if you are allowed to deposit a version of the article in Scholar. In some cases, the publisher may apply an embargo period.
Allowed terms:
(AO) Autor´s original - also known as preprint, it is the version that was first submitted to the publisher for consideration and before it has undergone formal peer review.
(SMUR) Submitted manuscript under review - it is the version of the article submitted by the author to the journal, that has passed the initial editorial screening and has been sent for peer review by experts in the field.
(AM) Accepted manuscript - often referred as post-print, it is the version of the article accepted for publication including all changes made as a result of the peer review process, but excluding any copyediting or formatting changes applied by the publisher. Examples of a publisher's formatting changes to the article are: adding publisher's logos, headings and footers, typesetting and font changes.
(P) Proof - it is the version that contains not only the changes arising from peer review but also the format changes made by the publisher. The proof is sent by the publisher to the author for correction.
(VoR) Version of record - it is the version of the article that has been published (also called final published version).
(CVoR) Corrected version of record - this is a version of the Version of Record in which post publication errors have been corrected (author, publisher or other processing errors).
(EVoR) Enhanced version of the record - this is a version of the Version of Record that has been updated or enhanced by the provision of supplementary material.
Full name of the (commercial or non-commercial) publisher. In case of university publications, place the name of the faculty and/or research group or school after the name of the university. For organizations where there is clearly a hierarchy present, list the parts of the hierarchy from the largest to the smallest, separated by full stops (e.g., Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto Superior Técnico. Departamento de Engenharia Informática).
Link to the publisher´s version
URL of the document published version on the publisher website (some publishers require this URL).
Title of the publication container
Title of the container (e.g., journal, book, conference) where the document is published.
Book edition number.
Volume number of the container (e.g., journal).
Issue of the container (e.g., journal).
First page
First page number of the document published on the container (e.g., journal).
Last page
Last page number of the document published on the container (e.g., journal).
Unique 9-digit number used to identify a master or PhD thesis. This identifier is assigned by registering the thesis on RENATES platform.
International Standard Book Number
International Standard Serial Number (e.g., journal): a unique 8-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.
Digital Object Identifier: unique string used to identify an electronic article or book and to provide a permanent link to its location on the internet. The publisher assigns a DOI when the document is published and made available electronically. All DOIs start with the number "10" and contain a prefix and a suffix separated by a slash.
PubMed ID: the unique identifier number used in PubMed Central. A PMID is assigned after an article is deposited into PubMEd system.
Web of Science accession number: the identifier assigned to the publications indexed in Web of Science Core Collection databases. This number is given only after the article is indexed.
Identifier of a governmental publication.
Summary of the publication.
Keywords or key phrases that describe the content of the publication.
Field of Science and Technology (FOS)
Scientific field/area according to FOS classification.
Publication language (ISO code)
ISO standard for language of the publication content.
Rights type
Information about the right or mode the publication can be accessed.
Allowed options:
- Open access - there are no restrictions on the access to the publication; anyone over the internet can download the document.
- Embargoed access - the publication file can´t be downloaded until a specific date, after which it becomes available in open access (although, the metadata is accessible). Thus, in embargoed access option, you must also enter a date available. If the publication results from projects financed by public funds (European Commission, FCT, Wellcome Trust) and the available date indicated exceeds funder´s maximum embargo period, you should also give an embargo extension justification.
- Restricted access - the user must log in to Scholar in order to download the publication.
- Closed access - there is no open access to the publication, only metadata record is available.
Type of file
Used to describe the genre or form of the publication content.
Allowed options:
- Full text - publication in which the content is primarily words for reading (e.g., book, thesis, article). Note that images of texts still belong to this genre.
- Dataset - structured information encoded in lists, tables, databases, etc., which will normally be in a format available for direct machine processing (e.g., spreadsheets, databases, GIS data).
- Software - computer program in source code (text) or compiled form.
- Other - other type of file.
Information about Creative Commons license (see here the six possible licenses). If the publication results from projects financed by public funds (European Commission, FCT, Wellcome Trust), please check funder´s license requirements.
Alternative identifier (URI)
Uniform Resource Identifier: can be a direct URL or a redirection URL like PURL, Handle or other international resolution system, to the digital document.
Financing entity
Funding provider name of the publication being registered. Repeat this field to indicate the several different funders/projects and use the subfields to give more information about the funding. Subfields:
Title of the project, award or grant - project/award/grant name. Funding stream - funding category or programme (e.g., Horizon 2020). Identifier for the funding entity - unique identifier of the funding entity (ISNI, GRID or Crossref Funder Registry). Type of identifier of the funding entity - choose an identifier type. Number for the project, award, or grant - corresponds to the grant agreement identifier or award number.